In 2024, the state purged many voters from the voter rolls and put many more in suspended status. This most likely means the state thinks your address is wrong, and can be triggered by something as simple as the postal service not delivering your voter registration card. We have to be proactive in making sure our registrations (and those of our friends/family) are up to date and in good standing.
My Voter Registration is in Suspense – What Can I Do?
If before the voter registration deadline, you can either:
- Re-register. Go to the Register to Vote page for information.
- Update your address on the Secretary of State website.
- If you received an address Confirmation Notice from the county registrar, fill it out and send it back within 30 days.
If after the voter registration deadline:
Don’t panic. You can still vote! Having a suspended voter registration does not cancel your voter registration unless you don’t vote in the next two general elections after you are put in suspense. Yet another reason to vote in every single election!
Voters on the suspended list not yet purged can still vote if they live in the same county where they were registered. At the polls, a suspended voter will be required to fill out and sign a “Statement of Residence” form. If the voter has moved out of the county where they were registered, they must register to vote in their new county, or return to their original county in order to vote.