Can I Vote?

You are eligible to register to vote in Travis County if you meet all these criteria. You are:

  • A United States citizen
  • A Travis County resident
  • At least 17 years and 10 months old, and you are 18 years of age on Election Day
  • Not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation and parole)
  • Not declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote

Am I Registered?

Check your voter registration on the Secretary of State website. The state purged many voters in 2024 or put them in suspense, so double check even if you think you are registered. 

How Can I Get Registered?

These are all ways to get registered – you only need to do one! Remember, you can only mail or submit your application in person. There is no online voter registration in Texas!

  • Fill out an online application. Print and mail it to the county voter registrar.
  • Visit any Travis County Tax Office and register in person. The Oak Hill location is at 8656 West HWY 71, Building B.
  • Request online that a printed application be mailed to you by the Texas Secretary of State. 
  • Pick up an application at any Austin-area Public Library, U.S. Postal Service office or state office locations for the departments of public safety and health and human services located in Travis County. Fill it out and mail it to the county voter registrar. 

We are lucky to have several amazing Volunteer Deputy Registrars (VDRs) in our neighborhood ready to register Travis Country neighbors. Please contact our Voter Registration Lead to arrange this.

What If I’ve Moved?

You can update your address online with the Secretary of State.